
Adds Redis cache and queue to Flarum

Incompatible with Flarum v1.8.5

Latest release 0.3.0-beta


released on Nov 4, 2019


Redis cache & queues

This extension allows using Redis as cache or for the queue. You can only enable the queue or cache by using a local extender (the extend.php in the root of your Flarum installation). See the configuring section below.

This is an advanced extension for webmasters able to configure redis and the queue workers.


Install manually with composer:

composer require blomstra/flarum-redis

Configuring cache

In your extend.php:

return [
    new Blomstra\Redis\Extend\EnableRedisCache([
        'host' => '',
        'password' => null,
        'port' => 6379,
        'database' => 1,

This will immediately override the Flarum cache to use redis.

Configuring queue

In your extend.php:

return [
    new Blomstra\Redis\Extend\EnableRedisQueue([
        'host' => '',
        'password' => null,
        'port' => 6379,
        'database' => 1,

Make sure to start your queue workers, see the laravel documentation for specifics. To test the worker can start use php flarum queue:work.

If you choose to enable the queue a load counter will show up on the admin dashboard for all queues used in your queue workers.


composer update blomstra/flarum-redis



This extension is developed as an employee of @BartVB at Bokt. Bokt is the largest equine community in the Netherlands. We're currently moving a phpBB forum with over 100 million posts to Flarum. By keeping both in sync until we're more feature complete, we offer our users a slow transition to this fantastic new platform.

Simplify the extend

You can combine the configuration array if you use both cache and queue:

return [
    new Blomstra\Redis\Extend\EnableRedisCache($config = [
        'host' => '',
        'password' => null,
        'port' => 6379,
        'database' => 1,
    new Blomstra\Redis\Extend\EnableRedisQueue($config),

Complex configuration

The configuration used is identical to the one used in Laravel, check the Laravel redis configuration for more information if you need to do some finetuning.

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