Email Whitelist

Whitelist or blacklist specific email addresses by domain or regex

Compatible with Flarum v1.8.5

Latest release 1.0.0


released on Aug 1, 2021


Email Whitelist

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This extension allows whitelisting or blacklisting email addresses.

With regular expression mode disabled, only the domain is validated.

In regular expression mode, the full address is checked against the regular expression (using PHP preg_match function). The regular expression must include delimiters and can include modifiers.

If no blacklist is defined, everything not whitelisted will be rejected. If a blacklist is defined, every whitelisted value as well as values not matched by the blacklist will be accepted.

The validation error message can be customized in the settings.


composer require clarkwinkelmann/flarum-ext-email-whitelist


This extension is under minimal maintenance.

It was developed for a client and released as open-source for the benefit of the community. I might publish simple bugfixes or compatibility updates for free.

You can contact me to sponsor additional features or updates.

Support is offered on a "best effort" basis through the Flarum community thread.


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