Nextcloud OAuth

Allow users to log in with Nextcloud!

Compatible with Flarum v1.8.5

Latest release 0.2


released on Aug 4, 2021


OAuth for Nextcloud

A supplement to the OAuth extenstion fof/oauth by FriendsOfFlarum


A Flarum extension supplementing fof/oauth (OAUth for Flarum by FriendsOfFlarum) with a lean implementation for community owned Nextcloud instances.


composer require frie/flarum-nextcloud-oauth


composer update frie/flarum-nextcloud-oauth


Before activating this extension, fof/oauth also needs to be activated.

The Nextcloud provider is configured in the scope of fof/oauth

Configuration for Nextcloud

Nextcloud authentication is somewhat different from authentication against Github, Twitter etc.: we usually have community-owned Nextcloud instances, which we supplement by a commmunity-owned discussion forum. So it makes sense to enable enforcement of identical user names and nicknames (by configuration).

Therefore a switch was added Copy user name from Nextcloud (activate by entering yes in the input field). Without activating this switch the user has to define the user name on registration as usual - when activated the username is copied from Nextcloud. Since there is no Nextcloud icon yet in the awesome brand collection, the icon can be set by another input field.


A german translation was added to the original.


Nextcloud integration

For a close integration it makes sense to configure Flarum as an external site in Nextcloud. To make this work (running Flarum in an iframe of Nextcloud) the following setting in the config.php of Flarum file may be required:

  'cookie' => [
    'samesite' => 'none', // `strict` / `none`, defaults to `lax`


If you want to have Nextcloud as exclusive login option, you can disable the regular login by CSS configuration. The html code will still be there and be accessible to anybody. Same holds for registration - you cannot disallow registration, because the oauth extension makes use of this process. So to exclude "foreign" visitors, you cann make use of the doorkeeper extension and communicate an Invite Code to your community to keep control on who is allowed to join.

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