
Extented Hungarian language pack for Flarum

Incompatible with Flarum v1.8.5

Latest release v0.1.2.2


released on Feb 8, 2021


Hungarian Language Pack for Flarum with Third Party Extensions


Flarum use Composer to manage its dependencies and extensions. The French language pack is available on Packagist and can be managed that way. Make sure that Composer is installed on your machine, then run the following command in the location where Flarum is installed:

composer require teddhun/hungarian-language


Run the following command in the location where Flarum is installed:

composer update teddhun/hungarian-language
php flarum cache:clear

© 2024 Hyn by DaniĆ«l "Luceos" Klabbers. All rights reserved. · Extensions and extension information is provided by the respective (copyright holding) authors. · Extiverse is not affiliated to the Flarum project or Flarum foundation. · Images on Extiverse pages are from Unsplash.