HTML Head Items

Add custom items to the HTML <head> attributes

Compatible with Flarum v1.8.5

Latest release 1.2.3


released on Jan 26, 2021


HTML Head Items


License Latest Stable Version

A Flarum extension that offers a seamless way to add custom items to the HTML <head> section of your forum.


  • Easy Integration: With just a few clicks, forum administrators can embed additional items directly into the forum's HTML . This is particularly useful for adding meta tags, styles, or any other custom scripts.

  • Clean UI: The extension provides a user-friendly interface that makes it simple to manage and view all added items.

  • Cache Management: Any changes made to the head items are automatically reflected, thanks to the efficient cache management in place. This ensures that your updates are immediately visible without any additional steps.

  • Error Handling: In the event that an invalid header item is added, the extension intelligently logs the error, ensuring the forum's functionality isn't compromised.




To use the extension, simply navigate to the admin dashboard. Here you'll find the option to add or modify items that will be included in the forum's HTML <head>.


Install manually with composer:

composer require ianm/html-head:"*"


composer update ianm/html-head
php flarum cache:clear



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