
Display a map in Flarum.

Compatible with Flarum v1.8.5

Latest release v0.1.9


released on Oct 8, 2022


Flarum Map extension

MIT license Latest Stable Version Total Downloads

A Flarum extension. Display a map in flarum in those ways:

  • insert a BBCode in a post
  • upload a .gpx file to display it on a map and a download link
  • upload a GeoJSON file (.geojson of .json) display it on a map and a download link

Snaphost Snaphost

To include a map in your post, there's an icon in the bar when composing: Post icon

It will insert that BBCode:

[map provider=osm style=street zoom=13 title='Marker title' desc='Marker pop-up content. Leave title and desc both empty to hide the marker.']WHERE[/map]

The WHERE value can be any location:

  • Nonceveux, Liège, Belgium as a plain text place name.
  • 50.45626367636966, 5.744007900692774 as coordinates to pin point an exact place.

You can also change the zoom level by changing the zoom attribute within the BBCode:

# Zoom=13 can fit my village
[map provider=osm style=street zoom=13]Nonceveux[/map]

# Zoom=8 can fit my country
[map provider=osm style=street zoom=8]Belgium[/map]

Valid values for zoom are between 0 (world) and 18 (house).

How to customize the map

The post above was written like this:

# Mapbox satelite streets (need to register at to get a free API key) :
[map provider=mapbox style=mapbox/satellite-streets-v11 zoom=15]Nonceveux, Liège, Belgium[/map]

# GPX example:
[upl-file uuid=e89405b4-7c99-4af6-9fb3-8bd80df9ea64 size=2kB url=http://localhost/assets/files/2022-10-31/1667250318-401743-gpxexample.gpx]gpxexample.gpx[/upl-file]

# GeoJSON example:
[upl-file uuid=022d8589-8c9c-4e63-b0ad-1942b5a4b480 size=133kB url=http://localhost/assets/files/2022-10-11/1665509211-565647-trail-center-ambleve.geojson]trail-center-ambleve.geojson[/upl-file]

Supported tile layers

Free, no registration needed: OpenStreetMap. | Provider | Style | Tiles type | Description | | -------- | ----- | ---------- | ----------- | | osm | street | Rasters | OpenStreetMap, default. |


Free, API key needed at | Provider | Style | Tiles type | Description | | -------- | ----- | ---------- | ----------- | | maptiler | basic-v2 | Vectors | Basic (basic-v2) | | maptiler | basic-4326 | Vectors | Basic EPSG:4326 (basic-4326) | | maptiler | bright-v2 | Vectors | Bright (bright-v2) | | maptiler | openstreetmap | Vectors | OpenStreetMap (openstreetmap) | | maptiler | outdoor | Vectors | Outdoor (outdoor) | | maptiler | pastel | Vectors | Pasterl (pastel) | | maptiler | hybrid | Vectors | Satelite hybrid (hybrid) | | maptiler | streets-v2 | Vectors | Street (streets-v2) | | maptiler | toner | Vectors | Toner (toner) | | maptiler | topo | Vectors | Topo (topo) | | maptiler | topographique | Vectors | Topographique (topographique) | | maptiler | voyager | Vectors | Voyager (voyager) | | maptiler | winter | Vectors | Winter (winter) |


Free, API key needed at | Provider | Style | Tiles type | Description | | -------- | ----- | ---------- | ----------- | | mapbox | mapbox/streets-v11 | Vectors | Streets (mapbox/streets-v11) | | mapbox | mapbox/outdoors-v11 | Vectors | Outdoors (mapbox/outdoors-v11) | | mapbox | mapbox/light-v10 | Vectors | Light (mapbox/light-v10) | | mapbox | mapbox/dark-v10 | Vectors | Dark (mapbox/dark-v10) | | mapbox | mapbox/satellite-v9 | Vectors | Satelite (mapbox/satellite-v9) | | mapbox | mapbox/satellite-streets-v11 | Vectors | Satelite streets (mapbox/satellite-streets-v11) | | mapbox | mapbox/navigation-day-v1 | Vectors | Navigation day (mapbox/navigation-day-v1) | | mapbox | mapbox/navigation-night-v1 | Vectors | Navigation night (mapbox/navigation-night-v1) |


Free, API key needed at | Provider | Style | Tiles type | Description | | -------- | ----- | ---------- | ----------- | | thunderforest | cycle | Rasters | cycle | | thunderforest | transport | Rasters | transport | | thunderforest | landscape | Rasters | landscape | | thunderforest | outdoors | Rasters | outdoors | | thunderforest | transport-dark | Rasters | transport-dark | | thunderforest | spinal-map | Rasters | spinal-map | | thunderforest | pioneer | Rasters | pioneer | | thunderforest | mobile-atlas | Rasters | mobile-atlas | | thunderforest | neighbourhood | Rasters | neighbourhood | | thunderforest | atlas | Rasters | atlas |



Install with composer:

composer require jeromegillard/map:"*"

Configure extensions

  1. Enable the FoF Uploads extension.
  2. Enable the Map extension.
  3. Configure FoF Uploads to add the new GPX Template:
  • Write ^application\/.*(gpx|json|xml|geojson|geo.json) mime type upload adapter mapping.
  • Select Map as template.
  • Click the |+| button to add the mapping Setup FoF Upload MIME type
  1. Then add gpx,json,geojson extensions to this list: Setup FoF Upload MIME type
  2. :warning: Save changes (bottom of the screen)
  3. Configure the Map extension (optional).


composer update jeromegillard/map:"*"
php flarum migrate
php flarum cache:clear

Go further


FeatureCollection can be displayed.

As an example, to generate the GeoJSON file assets/GeoJSON.example.json to get a view of all trails of the Amblève Trail Center, follow those steps:

# Go to
# Input that query:
out body;
out skel qt;

# Click export, as GeoJSON


I've prepared a all-in-one docker-compose.yml file to get up and running to develop this Flarum extension easily.

Prepare the environment

  1. create the flarum-dev.env.local file. There's an example just nearby.
  2. Spin the containers: docker compose up -d
  3. Enter the container: docker exec -it -w /flarum/app flarum-dev /bin/sh
  4. Allow local packages sources: composer config repositories.0 path "packages/*"
  5. Install the extension: composer require jeromegillard/map *@dev
  6. Wait for the container to start. It might be long stuck on last log "[INFO] Setting folder permissions", just wait.
  7. You can browse to http://localhost when logs shows "[INFO] End of startup script. Forum is starting."
  8. To rebuild the front-end, outside the container, go to the js folder and do npm install then npm run dev (you'll need npm installed on your computer).


© 2024 Hyn by Daniël "Luceos" Klabbers. All rights reserved. · Extensions and extension information is provided by the respective (copyright holding) authors. · Extiverse is not affiliated to the Flarum project or Flarum foundation. · Images on Extiverse pages are from Unsplash.